I'm thankful for many things. I'm thankful to have a beautiful house with heat and a roof over my head with a bed to sleep in. I'm thankful to have a beautiful mother that is still here with me today. And thankful to have a a dad that didn't completely leave me when I was born. I give thanks to the air that we breathe and the clean, clear water around us. Thankful for the many opportunities that have been given to me to make me the person I am today. I'm thankful for the strength that God has given me. If he hadn't, I wouldn't be here today. If I had family, friends, and people that I didn't know that were there for me and that I was thankful for. I'm thankful for my priest that prayed over my bed for a week straight, begging for my health to come back.
I try to give thanks everyday. I am happy to be who I am today and I don't wish to be anyone else. Everyone should be thankful for what they have right now, even if its not what everyone else has.