Thursday, December 15, 2011

Blog Reviews

Poetic Clarity: I love the writing on this page. I love the different pictures that were put on here. I think this person put a lot of thought into what the blog should look like and what kind of writing would be displayed.

Iiawahrofefil: Beautiful page. I love the images and the background. I have no idea what the name is on the blog or what it means, but thats why I clicked on it.

Till Human Voices: Another pretty cool blog. The pictures match well with the posts. Best blog I have seen yet.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What I learned.

Picture credits
It's getting toward the end of the semester. With Mr. Good, still being our teacher in our first period class. I can honestly say that I have learned more in this semester with him, then I have in any class I have ever taken. I have taken life so seriously until this year. Yeah, we have important things to take care of, we have school to go to, and a job to keep, and sports to do your best in. But I rather live a fun life, then living a successful one. Life is way too short to be the perfect kid. Sometimes you need to step out of your boundaries and try something new. So what if everyday is raining or snowing in Juneau? Get some boots on, and run around in the puddles, slide on the ice, make a snowman. What's it gonna hurt to miss one night of homework? This whole semester has been life changing for me. Dance team is making me realize who I really am and what kind of worker I am and how much I care for myself and others. It's making me work harder in school, but then again, I make myself have fun on my off time. I appreciate the weekends a lot more then I use to. And I dread the weekdays less.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I killed a wasp today. 
It was small
                    exquisitely formed
                    a masterpiece of aesthetic function
                    full of myth
                    and an ancient, nameless grace,
                    I smashed it with a book
                    on Jungian dream interpretation
                   then flushed its weightless beauty
                   down the toilet.

Picture credit
                  made me kill, and
                  I wonder now
                  I've wondered all day
                  if all killing
                  is not fear

                  if all killers
                  are not cowards.

Martin Williams