Tuesday, January 10, 2012

When January 16th rolls around.

What's going to happen when January 16th comes, and Mr. Good is gone?
I feel like the class with suddenly get harder.. I don't know the new teacher at all. I've never seen him around or anything. Is he strict? Nice? MEAN?! I have no idea.
I wanna keep doing the same things that we do now. I want to keep blogging and keep doing fast writes in class. But there is only one thing that I want to start doing again, and thats reading. When we had Aly as a teacher, we would read for like 30 minutes and I miss that a lot. Especially at the beginning of the day because it relaxes me.

Im curious to figure out what kind of teacher he is. I heard that he is really nice and people seem to like him. All I ask is that we keep things the same around here and just pick up reading a little bit. I think this class had too much change ever since she passed away. So, no change would be a good change.